Issue No 46 – October 2021



Executive Summary


1. Recent (macro-)economic developments

1.1. The evolution of the aggregate demand components after the second lockdown,
       Yannis Panagopoulos, Konstantinos Loizos, pages 6-14

1.2. Rising energy prices and increased demand exert inflationary pressures on the Greek and euro area economies,
       Emilia Marsellou, pages 15-18


1.3. Factor model forecasts for the short-term prospects in GDP,

       Factor Model Economic Forecasting Unit Ersi Athanassiou, Theodore Tsekeris, Ekaterini Tsouma, pages 19-21


1.4. Positive messages from the Greek capital market,
       Fotini Economou, pages 22-27


1.5. International environment: Recent developments and prospects of the global economic activity,
       Aristotelis Koutroulis, pages 28-30


2. Fiscal developments

2.1. State Budget, public debt and fiscal figures perspectives,
       Elisavet Nitsi, pages 31-37


3. Human resources and social policies

3.1. Recent developments in key labour market variables,
       Ioannis Cholezas, pages 38-44

3.2. Comparing income inequality indices between 2010 and 2019 in Greece,
       Vlassis Missos, pages 45-48


Special topics


Mapping GDP-linked bonds: the case of the Greek economy,
John Leventides, Evangelos Melas, Costas Poulios, Rena Artemis Leventides, pages 49-62


An estimate of international receipts and the turnover of the hotel and food sectors during the second year of the pandemic
Evangelia Kasimati, Euripides Kondelis, Konstantinos Lagopoulos, pages 63-69