Issue No 35 – February 2018
1. Macroeconomic analysis and projections
1.1. Recent developments and prospects in the main demand components
Ersi Athanassiou, pages 4-10
1.2. The evolution of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Greece and in the Eurozone
Yannis Panagopoulos, pages 11-13
1.3. Factor model forecasts for the short-term prospects in GDP
Factor Model Economic Forecasting Unit Ersi Athanassiou, Theodore Tsekeris, Ekaterini Tsouma, pages 14-15
1.4. The international environment: Recent developments and prospects of the global economic activity
Aristotelis Koutroulis, pages 16-20
2. Public finance
2.1. Evolution of the State Budgets 2017-2018
Elisavet Nitsi, pages 21-24
2.2. The evolution and structure of public debt
Christos Triantopoulos, pages 25-28
3. Human resources and social policies
3.1. Recent developments in key labour market variables
Ioannis Cholezas, pages 29-37
3.2. The education of refugee children in Greece
Ioannis Cholezas, pages 38-43
4. Development policies and sectors
4.1. Analysis of Tourism Receipts in Greece
Nikolaos Vagionis, pages 44-48
4.2. Household travel expenditure in Greece
Theodore Tsekeris, pages 49-54
4.3. Developments in the Greek capital market
Fotini Economou, pages 55-59
4.4. Competitiveness of the Greek economy
Athanasios Chymis, pages 60-62
Special topics
The labour supply of women in Greece before and during the crisis
Ioannis Cholezas, pages 63-73
The framework of financial supervision in Europe: Developments and prospects
Christos Triantopoulos, pages 74-84
Migration and refugee flows into Greece during the period 2015-2017: A descriptive analysis
Evangelia Kasimati, Roy Panagiotopoulou, pages 85-107